Swiss Archaeology collaborates with numerous partners in Switzerland and abroad. These are public institutions, specialised societies and associations.
Specialised working groups
The working groups AGUS, ARS, IAG, SAF and SAM enjoy guest rights on the website of Swiss Archaeology.
Working Group for Prehistoric Research in Switzerland
The aim of the Working Group for Prehistoric Research in Switzerland (AGUS-GPS) is to promote the exchange of information and cooperation between individuals and institutions working in pre- and protohistoric research.
Association for Provincial Roman Research
The Association for Provincial Roman Research in Switzerland (ARS) was founded in 1974 and is an association for all archaeologists researching the archaeology of the Roman period in Switzerland.
Swiss Working Group for Medieval and Modern Archaeology
The Swiss Working Group for Medieval and Modern Archaeology (SAM) brings together specialists in archaeology, art history and history to study the material remains of these periods, brought to light on the territory of present-day Switzerland and neighbouring regions. It promotes the exchange of information between institutions and researchers, as well as with specialists in related disciplines.
More about SAM
Swiss Group for the Study of Coin Finds
The Swiss Group for the Study of Coin Finds (SAF/GSETM/GSSRM), which was founded in 1985, brings together numismatists, archaeologists and historians, who are specialists in coin finds that originate from the existing territory of Switzerland and from its neighbouring regions.
Association for the Management of Archaeological Human Remains
The Association for the Management of Archaeological Human Remains (IAG) is an association with the aim of jointly storing, cataloguing and scientifically researching the anthropological finds of its member institutions. Members are cantonal or communal archaeological offices. In some cases the members also store their material individually.
ArchaeoZoology Switzerland
ArchaeoZoology Switzerland was founded in 2023 and brings together specialists who work in the field of archaeozoology or are interested in archaeozoological research. It promotes the exchange of information between researchers and institutions as well as related disciplines.
Other partners
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Prospektion Schweiz AGP / Groupe de travail prospection Suisse GTP (Working group for prospection in Switzerland)
Schweizer Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Klassische Archäologie (SAKA) (Swiss Working Group for Classical Archaeology)
Vereinigung des archäologisch-technischen Grabungspersonals der Schweiz (VATG)(Association of Archaeological – Technical Excavation Personnel in Switzerland)
The following societies are open to all interested parties.
EAS-AES – Experimentelle Archäologie Schweiz – Archéologie Expérimentale Suisse (Experimental Archaeology Switzerland)
ExperimentA – Verein für experimentelle Archäologie – Association pour l’archéologie expérimentale (Association for experimental archaeology)
Schweizerischer Burgenverein SBV – Association suisse châteaux forts – Associazione svizzera dei castelli (Swiss association for castles)
Cantonal offices
Archaeology is primarily the task of the cantons. The cantonal archaeology offices are therefore also important partners for Swiss Archaeology.
All archaeological offices are united in the Conference of Swiss Cantonal Archaeologists KSKA, of which Swiss Archaeology is also a member.
Have you found an object in the ground?
Are you looking for a place to volunteer?
Would you like to learn more about archaeology in a specific canton?
Visit the website of the KSKA and choose a cantonal office from the list on the right.
Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences
Swiss Archaeology is a founding member of the Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences SAGW.
Together with other scientific societies in the SAGW, Swiss Archaeology is part of the coordination group of the ch-antiquitas expert portal. This portal provides an overview of the Ancient Studies in Switzerland and gives information on education, research and events.
Network Swiss Archaeology
The Network Swiss Archaeology NAS is an informal working and discussion platform open to all archaeological organisations and societies in Switzerland.
The network discusses topics that concern the participating organisations. As the successor organisation to “Horizon 2015”, it aims to exchange views on current challenges, explore synergies and develop visions and strategies for the future.
To this end, the network organises colloquia, conferences and workshops. These are open to all members of the NAS organisations.
Next event:
Conference «Feuer und Flamme», 12-13 june 2025, Lenzburg (AG)
Past events:
Conference «Experimentelle Archäologie. Wie geht das?» 28/29 April 2022, Solothurn
Conference «Archäologie in der Schweiz im 20. Jahrhundert: Archive – Amateure – Akademikerinnen» 17 June 2022, Frauenfeld
Conference «Mensch und Tier – eine jahrtausendealte Beziehung» 15-16 June 2023, Schaffhausen
Conference « Archaeology and Space », 13-14 June 2024, Geneva
Members of NAS
- Arbeitsgemeinschaft für die provinzialrömische Forschung in der Schweiz (ARS) / Association pour l’archéologie romaine en Suisse (ARS)
- Arbeitsgemeinschaft für die Urgeschichtsforschung in der Schweiz (AGUS) / Groupe de travail pour les recherches préhistoriques en Suisse (GPS)
- Arbeitsgemeinschaft Prospektion Schweiz AGP / Groupe de travail prospection Suisse GTP
- ArchaeoConcept
- Archäologie Schweiz AS / Archéologie Suisse AS
- Dachverband archäologischer Studierendenvertretungen e.V.
- Experimentelle Archäologie Schweiz EAS / Archéologie Expérimentale Suisse AES
- Inventar der Fundmünzen der Schweiz IFS / Inventaire des trouvailles monétaires suisses ITMS
- Konferenz Schweizerischer Kantonsarchäologinnen und Kantonsarchäologen KSKA/ Conférence Suisse des Archéologues Cantonaux CSAC
- Nationale Informationsstelle zum Kulturerbe NIKE / Centre national d’information sur le patrimoine culturel
- Schweizerische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Archäologie des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit SAM / Groupe de travail suisse pour l’archéologie du Moyen Age et de l’Epoque moderne SAM
- Schweizerische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Fundmünzen (SAF) / Groupe suisse pour l’étude des trouvailles monétaires (GSETM) / Gruppo svizzero per lo studio dei ritrovamenti monetali (GSSRM)
- Schweizer Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Klassische Archäologie SAKA / Association Suisse d’Archéologie Classique ASAC
- Schweizerische Gesellschaft für historische Bergbauforschung SGHB / Société suisse d’histoire des mines
- Schweizerische Gesellschaft für orientalische Altertumswissenschaft SGOA / Société suisse pour l’étude du Proche-Orient ancien SSPOA
- Swiss Coordination Group Palafittes
- Vereinigung des archäologisch-technischen Grabungspersonals VATG
- Vereinigung Freunde antiker Kunst
Swiss Archaeology is a member of various archaeological associations and cooperates with diverse institutions abroad. Since 2019, it has been a corporate member of the European Association of Archaeologists EAA.
Swiss Archaeology is the national partner of the European Archaeology Days EAT. At the EAT, various actors in the field of archaeology work together to bring the treasures of our cultural heritage and the background of the archaeological discipline closer to the public. Every year, on the third weekend in June, numerous events, most of them free of charge, take place all over Europe and throughout Switzerland
Further partner institutions
E-Periodica (Plattform der ETH-Bibliothek für digitalisierte Schweizer Zeitschriften)
Fachportal Altertumswissenschaften in der Schweiz
Gesellschaft für Schweizerische Kunstgeschichte
International Council of Museums Schweiz (ICOM)
International Council on Monuments and Sites Schweiz (ICOMOS)
Schweizerische Nationalbibliothek (NB)
Schweizerisch-Liechtensteinische Stiftung für archäologische Forschungen im Ausland (SLSA)
Schweizerisches Steindenkmäler-Inventar (SSDI)
Schweizerischer Verband für Konservierung und Restaurierung (SKR)
These museums have an archaeological collection with finds from Switzerland that can be viewed in permanent and temporary exhibitions (selection).
Römermuseum Augst / Römerstadt Augusta Raurica
Bernisches historisches Museum, Bern
Neues Museum Biel / Nouveau Musée Bienne
Museum für Archäologie Thurgau, Frauenfeld
Musée cantonal d’archéologie et d’histoire, Lausanne
Archäologisches Museum Kanton Solothurn, Olten
These university institutes in Switzerland offer archaeological courses and conduct research on the archaeology of Switzerland.
AMY – Association des Amis du Musée d’Yverdon et Région
ArchéoNE, Association des amis du Laténium et de l’archéologie neuchâteloise
Association des amis du Musée cantonal d’archéologie et d’histoire, Cercle vaudois d’archéologie
Association des amis du musée romain de Vallon
Associazione Archeologica Ticinese (AAT)
Basler Zirkel für Ur- und Frühgeschichte
Berner Zirkel für Ur- und Frühgeschichte
Cercle d’archéologie jurassienne
RAMHA – Recherches archéologiques du mur (dit) d’Hannibal