Annual Review of Swiss Archaeology

Annual Review of Swiss Archaeology 107(2024) (current issue)

Aufsätze — Articles — Articoli

Annina Wyss Schildknecht, Höhensiedlung – Kastell – Kirche – Gräber. Die Entwicklung des Siedlungsstandortes Schaan FL zwischen dem 3. und 8./9. Jahrhundert n. Chr. 7

Béat Arnold, Jonathan Frey et Lara Tremblay, L’épave d’Hauterive NE. Une riche cargaison d’artefacts engloutis dans le lac de Neuchâtel au dernier tiers du 16e siècle 39

Marc-André Haldimann, Le mobilier céramique valaisan entre le 3 ième et le 5ième siècle de notre ère 87

Laure Bassin, Philippe Della Casa, Alexandre Deseine, Bastien Jakob, Léonard Kramer, Fabio Wegmüller, Samuel van Willigen, The Meso-Neolithic transition between the Alps and the Jura Mountains: a state of the question in Switzerland and the Upper Rhine Graben 137

Alicia Siliézar, Sandra Pichler, Gabriele Graenert, Claudia Gerling, Ernährung im frühmittelalterlichen Gurmels – Analysen stabiler Isotope an merowingerzeitlichen Individuen vom Dürrenberg FR 165

Kurt Altorfer und Jehanne Affolter, Die magdalénienzeitliche Freilandstation Schaffhausen-Hoochebni SH 181

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For authors

Manuscripts for articles created according to the editorial guidelines are to be submitted by 20 September, the deadline for communications is 1 November, for the issue of the following year. The editorial office will subject the manuscript to an initial review. This is followed by a peer review supervised by the Scientific Commission. If the article is accepted or if minor changes have been implemented, it will be edited. Authors receive a PDF of the galley proofs for review.

Contact: Ellen Thiermann

Editorial guidelines (German)

Additional guidelines by the Römisch-Germanische Kommission RGK (German)

Rules of publication (German)

Author’s obligation (German)


Book reviews are accepted on an ongoing basis.

Guidelines for book reviews (German)


Finds reports

From 2025, the reports of the cantonal offices will be recorded directly on the portal in accordance with a uniform data standard. The entries will be edited by Swiss Archaeology and published in June of each year, reporting on the previous year’s activities. to AS Portal
